Sed magna mi, commodo nec vulputate et, vehicula non metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mattis est et neque sollicitudin rutrum. In sit amet leo vel tellus mollis auctor interdum at risus.
Maecenas scelerisque, arcu et accumsan consectetur, tortor sapien euismod est, ac mattis justo neque eu lorem. Etiam viverra pellentesque ligula, non ultrices sapien aliquam sit amet. Sed viverra elementum augue, quis viverra eros lobortis a. Donec condimentum fermentum risus, sed rhoncus magna cursus eget. Integer eros dui, viverra eu viverra nec, fringilla vel eros. Sed neque libero, gravida sed condimentum at, adipiscing at odio. Integer eros turpis, convallis non rhoncus congue, elementum in eros.
Sed gravida auctor condimentum. Proin felis lacus, pretium a fermentum vel, adipiscing eu risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam pellentesque nisi at velit molestie ac pharetra eros varius. Quisque pellentesque imperdiet commodo. Maecenas a vestibulum nibh. Vestibulum vestibulum sagittis cursus. Suspendisse hendrerit justo ultricies lorem pretium dapibus. Suspendisse in elementum dolor.
Praesent laoreet aliquam convallis. Nulla ullamcorper posuere tellus, at sagittis urna imperdiet quis. Fusce eu lorem dui. Phasellus eu vestibulum metus. Aliquam iaculis fermentum gravida. Maecenas vitae eros lorem, sit amet venenatis ligula. Etiam nibh nibh, facilisis eu eleifend non, auctor sed lorem.
Maecenas et enim lectus, a sodales urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec lectus orci, ullamcorper et lacinia cursus, egestas in purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque laoreet, dolor ut euismod laoreet, risus nibh ultricies dolor, sit amet semper orci orci at lectus. Nulla ac mi nisl. Nulla ut nisi eu magna tincidunt ullamcorper. Nulla porttitor est sed neque scelerisque eu faucibus elit aliquam. Duis porta, ante quis congue porta, dui massa adipiscing sem, sit amet commodo diam nisi vel justo. Integer rutrum lorem fermentum justo euismod dignissim sed eget erat. Fusce quis nibh nisi, elementum iaculis augue. Donec suscipit, sem nec congue interdum, est ante venenatis nisl, a sollicitudin lorem felis eget tortor
Type the name of the measurement file in the filter field to find the
posted by Nemo Analyzer Download czwartek, 03 listopad 2022 15:32 Comment Linkdesired measurement file. Second, above the parameter tree you can see the filter field for parameters.
Type in the name of the parameter, and only parameters matching the name will
be viewed in the parameter tree. With parameter filtering it
is also possible to limit a query based on a user-defined area, i.e.
by Polygon area selection. As a consequence, the results
of a query will be limited to the user-defined part of a measurement route in the chosen data view.
This is useful, for example, when you want the values of a parameter to
be viewed with a value-based color set only on a part of the route on a map.
In this case, the rest of the measurement
route will be colored with a default color.
In this example we will select Ec/No best active set as
the parameter. Select a measurement file in the Workspace and type Ec/No best active set in the Parameter Tree filter field.
An empty workbook and the Analyze Wizard - Fill Parameters dialog box appear.
In the dialog box select Area under Name, and press the … The Select Area dialog box appears.
Select a map in the Filename field, or load one through the … Next,
define an area on the map by clicking on it. The Save
As tab also enables you to save the map with the selected area for later use.
The Analyze Wizard - Fill Parameters dialog box appears.
A new workbook opens. The measurement route on the map is colored with the Ec/No color set over the section of the route specified with
the polygon area. The rest of the route is colored
with the default color, here blue.